
3 weeks and 1 day ago (04 Jul 24 23:14)

due to changes to YouTube program code, sadly subscribed channels got erased, but there weren't that many, pls resubscribe.


23 weeks and 6 days ago (11 Feb 24 01:46)

IsThereAnyDeal is migrating to a new API so itad command will be broken until updated. temporarily fixed. --- and they changed their API again, WIP : )


24 weeks and 3 days ago (06 Feb 24 21:13)

added editThread to cc-functions


24 weeks and 5 days ago (04 Feb 24 17:55)

in CC-general layout view response length is cut to 512 characters.


26 weeks and 1 day ago (25 Jan 24 16:58)

new CC-functions > addThreadMember, createForumPost, createThread, deleteForumPost, deleteThread, removeThreadMember. PAGST wiki explains how they work


49 weeks and 3 days ago (15 Aug 23 17:40)

just for fun times, added switching between PAGST/Nord Themes, Nord theme like always is WIP and if some colouring starts to piss me off I will change it. Or let me know.


1 year 9 weeks and 2 days ago (24 May 23 19:53)

remindme first argument's type changed from duration to string, allows you add first argument to remindme text when -time is used with 0 duration


1 year 10 weeks and 1 day ago (18 May 23 17:45)

another new stdcommand to beta TheMovieDB


1 year 11 weeks and 4 days ago (08 May 23 18:41)

catfact scrapes its pictures for now, API is still overloaded, sadly


1 year 12 weeks and 6 days ago (29 Apr 23 23:14)

remindme has -noping switch


1 year and 12 weeks ago (28 Apr 23 16:56)

Twitter is working again due not so ethical scraping : )


1 year 15 weeks and 6 days ago (08 Apr 23 12:18)

catfact pictures are temporarily disabled, because of this


1 year 25 weeks and 4 days ago (31 Jan 23 01:53)

renaming automod_legacy to automod_basic maybe affects configuration, not really sure : )


1 year and 25 weeks ago (27 Jan 23 18:12)

starting to push execBot agenda as alternative to execAdmin, latter is still there


1 year 26 weeks and 4 days ago (23 Jan 23 10:56)

for dbEntry added .ValueNum and .ValueRaw for more specific queries


1 year 27 weeks and 4 days ago (16 Jan 23 13:26)

Experimental standard response can now go over 2k characters, up to 25k and will get paginated. deleteResponse and addResponseReactions should work as well


1 year 32 weeks and 6 days ago (10 Dec 22 15:43)

Reddit feeds has show spoilers slider/checkbox


1 year 39 weeks and 5 days ago (23 Oct 22 23:24)

application command add remindme for messages, uses modals and sends reminder as DM if not blocked, of course all in beta : )


1 year 40 weeks and 5 days ago (16 Oct 22 17:52)

another stdcommand, this time pre-beta: MyAnimeList


1 year 40 weeks and 6 days ago (15 Oct 22 17:59)

another incoming beta, IsThereAnyDeal standard command


1 year 41 weeks and 5 days ago (09 Oct 22 19:21)

reddit feeds slightly modified, if post has more than 280 character, user icon is as embed thumbnail, 140 is author icon..... footer has subreddit icon... also embed description max length from 250 to 512


1 year and 41 weeks ago (07 Oct 22 15:28)

amV2 Unicode normalization & removing confusing chars (cafés >> cafes, ℜ𝘂ᖯʏ >> Ruby) checkbox for triggers where wordlists or regex is used... also slider for regex CCs and template functions normalizeAccents, normalizeConfusables


1 year 42 weeks and 5 days ago (02 Oct 22 10:45)

BETA™ added custom command action limits notification bar. Might be wonky, still saves.


1 year 43 weeks and 2 days ago (28 Sep 22 20:27)

stdcommands: catfacts & dogfacts update, embedded with random pictures and -raw switch


1 year 43 weeks and 6 days ago (24 Sep 22 16:45)

another context-menu app command thanks works like thanks regex, giving +1 to target (beta) and rep was moved from slash commands as well


PAGST* is a safe haven against corporate/LLC greed and if you want to explore more fringe stuff. That in mind, feel free to add it to your server, alas it goes up/down randomly.

If you stumble into any issues and need help, RTFM.

*If you build your Discord server relying on free service and it goes down by any means, deleted databases or permanent changes included - don't come complaining and try self-hosting yourself...

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